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TAC Kids...

All change in Watton at Stone...

Some new things are happening...

We have  two Childrens groups.
They meet at the Memorial Hall located in the village, 118 High Street...SG14 3RZ.


PlaySpace - This is a Mums and Toddler group...

When : Tuesday, meeting weekly.

Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm.

Cost: £ 3.00/child, and £ 1.00 for siblings.


This is a playtime for the children, and a time for parents and carers to chill and build relationships


Refreshments are available in the TAC Tea Room.



KidsSpace - This is an after school group...

When: Friday, meeting weekly.

Tme 3.30pm - 5.15pm.

Cost: £ 3.00/ child, and £ 1.00 for siblings.


This is a 'Play date' time for primary school children. We provide an after school drink (hot chocolate) and snacks, play, crafts, show and tell, a bible story and singing.

We finish with pizza 'n pasta.


Refreshments are available in the TAC Tea Room.

Here are some photos of some of the activities from the TAC Kids session during Holy Week...



Palm Sunday, entry to Jerusalem...


Turning the tables in the Temple...


Jesus's trial with Pilate...


The Crucifixion...


Jesus is placed in the tomb...


The stone in front of the tomb...


The guards asleep, the Angels and the women...


The Angels, the women and the grave clothes...


The Disciples in the Upper Room...


Jesus talking to 'doubting' Thomas...

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